Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The 1920's also known as the roaring twenties, was a time of celebration. The people enjoyed dancing and listening to rock and roll.  A big invention in the 1920's was the radio, where people would tune in everyday to listen to all that was going on. The twenties were the first decade to emphasize youth culture over the older generations. It created a new way of getting out of mainstream American culture.  This time is known as a time wen Americas culture was flourishing, and people were not worried about taking risks.  It was a time of ising intolerance and isolation, thought to be encouraged by the first world war.  Prohibition was a big issue during this time as well, although seen as very unpopular. Historians see the 1920's as a decade of "serious cultural conflict." 

According to "U.S" 
The 1920s ushered in a rich period of American writing, distinguished by the works of such authors as Sinclair Lewis, Willa Cather, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Carl Sandburg and Ernest Hemingway.
A uniquely American music form, whose roots lay in African expression, came to be known as jazz. The Jazz Age produced such greats as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Fletcher Henderson. George Gershwin, Cole Porter and others would bring jazz influences to Broadway and the concert hall. Bessie Smith hallowed the Blues on a sound recording.

Check out this cool website i found on the slang used in the 1920's, i found it pretty interesting:

1 comment:

  1. Another fantastic post! I love the pictures and am so proud of you girls! 75/75

    Ms. Donahue
